Finally...A Christ-centered, holistic weight-loss program!

Choose the best solution for your goals and needs


Choose Your Level of Commitment

Why Weight Loss, God's Way Works Better Than Other Approaches

1. Biblical Foundation: You’ll receive behavioral science-based and biblically backed principles to align your health with God’s Word, making your journey a spiritual transformation, not just a physical one.

2. Simple Doable Change: We follow the "little-by-little approach". Practice 1 habit and 1 biblical principle per month for lasting success. No more getting overwhelmed with trying to overhaul your entire life. 

3. Weekly Community Support: We are not designed to do life alone. Join our vibrant community of Christian sisters for accountability and help you see that you're not alone in this journey. 

4. Live Weekly Support:
Receive live weekly training from our top-notch team of certified Christian health coaches and gifted bible study leaders as they guide you step-by-step providing guidance and unwavering support to ensure your success.

5. Proven Process: We understand the process of change on a spiritual and behavioral level. Follow the Breakthrough MethodŠ, our proven process that has changed thousands of lives around the world. 

About Weight Loss, God's Way

Hey Sister!

I’m so glad you’re here.

If you're sick and tired of feeling stuck and exhausted by endless weight loss struggles, you've come to the right place. At Weight Loss, God's Way, I combine over 35 years of experience working with women to bring you a program that truly works.


I understand the frustration of trying countless diets and exercise plans without seeing the results you desire. That’s why I created Weight Loss, God's Way—a Christ-centered program that addresses not just the physical aspects of weight loss, but also the emotional and spiritual challenges that hold you back.

If you’ve struggled long enough, it’s time to make a change. Commit to your transformation and let me walk with you on this Christ-centered journey. Together, we will overcome emotional barriers, develop healthy habits, and strengthen your relationship with God.

Take the first step towards freedom and joy. Join Weight Loss, God's Way and experience a program that honors your body as God’s temple while transforming your life from the inside out.

Let’s embark on this journey of faith, health, and lasting transformation together.

With Faith and Love,

Cathy Morenzie,
Founder, Weight Loss, God's Way


As a Weight Loss, God's Way Member, You Will: 

SEE yourself as God sees you
ACHIEVE your healthy weight
BE THE BEST version of yourself
STRENGTHEN your relationship with God
DEVELOP a healthy relationship with food

Choose Your Level of Commitment 

Join Weight Loss, God's Way and Choose the membership that suits your needs

Connect Membership 

Receive a monthly devotional from our "Healthy by Design" series. These 15-minute daily devotionals provide ongoing Bible-based weight-loss support and strengthen your relationship with God, keeping you inspired and motivated.

Learn More Here
Core Membership

Fast-track your success with our flagship 12-week Breakthrough Academy. This transformative course has empowered countless women worldwide, offering you a personalized blueprint for weight loss success through faith-based guidance and practical strategies.

Learn More Here
Commit 365 Membership 

Go all in by combining Connect and Core Membership benefits with additional support from a live coach every two weeks after completing the Academy. This great option ensures you receive hands-on guidance and continuous encouragement to achieve lasting, sustainable results.


Learn More Here

See Why Everyone Loves WLGW

“Having released 96 pounds, I now like myself better and feel better physically without that extra weight. I now think of food as nourishment only; it no longer controls me. I have food integrity again. Spiritually, Christ is back on the throne instead of food.” ~ Janet M

“So far, I have lost 50 pounds and I’m down 36 inches! Everything is easier—walking, cleaning, moving. I also have a lot more energy and stamina.” ~ Gerri V. 

About a year ago, God started working on me, granting me little ‘epiphanies’. I realized my battle was more a spiritual one than a physical one—Oh, how the evil one kept me bound in self-loathing.

To date, I have released 32 lbs and currently weigh 164, and my A1C is now well within the normal range! ~ Diane O

“I want to honor God with my food choices now by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole-grains in all forms at least 80% of the time (I’ve learned not to focus on or to expect perfection). And, I look for ways to move more because I understand how important this is for my body, especially as I age. My focus is to take care of His temple. Losing weight is no longer a vanity issue.” ~ Brenda F. 

“I have released 37 pounds so far. I am totally off my blood pressure medications. I have more energy and no longer wake up with heartburn or panic attacks.” ~ Theresa N. 

 “My relationship with food and God has changed so much. I now can say ‘no’ to my trigger foods. I can sit in a restaurant and not even be feeling tempted to have those items. I’m happy with myself. I no longer see myself as a failure. I have gained the confidence of being the daughter of the King of Kings. I have grown closer to God and lean on Him in newer ways.” ~ Cynthia B.