80 lbs released! I am overflowing with gratitude and thankfulness for the transformation I've experienced!
Release 30lbs. I'm a totally different person since learning the Breakthrough principles!
Debbie L.
An incredible 154 lbs released. At 69 years old, I feel so much younger now.
I coach you using a proven bible-based system that encompasses the whole you - Body/Soul/Spirit.Yes, we'll address the physical issues like activity and diet, but also the emotional - emotional eating, the mental - limiting beliefs and destructive habits AND the spiritual - seeing yourself as God sees you and relying on His strength, not your own will-power.
Everyone needs a coach.All highly successful people, in business, sports or entertainment, have coaches to help them be their best. Because they understand you don't know, what you don't know and often an outside perspective can show you what you're missing. Of course, a coach also provides accountability, and know-how in a compassionate, always rooting for you, way.
You probably gained the weight slowly over years, due to poor habits and self-defeating beliefs. Correcting those takes time, and then the weight will begin to be released over time. If you're looking to lose weight fast - this isn't that.If you're looking to adopt a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain so you can keep the weight off, and you're ready to commit to the process, you can expect to see results I know you'll be pleased with and I'll help you to define a realistic goal date to be at your realistic healthy weight.